March 19, 2011 The perigee full moon dominates the landsape as it rises. 
Differential atmospheric refraction squeezes the vertical dimension slightly as the moon rises above a distant tree. 
March 15, 2011 We may be moving into the final days of winter but it's still cold, as this morning's frost demonstrates. 
March 11, 2011 Streams and rivers were "alive" this morning after last night's storm. 
March 9, 2011 High and middle level coulds announce the approach of the next storm. 
March 7, 2011 Rivers and streams are swollen after yesterday's rainstorm. 
March 3, 2011 More cold means that ice continues to flow down the Housatonic River. 
March 1, 2011 In a winter of "big weather" what seems the rarest of all is a simple sunny day. 
February 25, 2011 The grayest of days; rain, slush from last night's snow, and advection fog. 
February 22, 2011 An ice fisherman prepares to drill. 
February 21, 2011 Back to cold; and back to snow. 
February 18, 2011 The February thaw has brought temperatures in the 50's F along with some mid- and high-level clouds. 
February 10, 2011 Early morning frost on the sidewalk. 
February 8, 2011 We awoke to more snow today. 
February 4, 2011 Ice on the trees shines in the morning sunshine. 
February 3, 2011 This time it was freezing rain or sleet, depending on location and altitude. 
Here some iridescent clouds bring color to the ice-covered landscape. 
January 31, 2011 As the month ends with yet another snow storm approaching, a leaf provides a rare spot of color against the snow. 
January 27, 2011 Another storm. 
January 25, 2011 Today's snow is light enough to show an impression of the mouse's tail. 
January 19, 2011 After yet another storm, ice is everywhere. 
January 17, 2011 Black and white. 
January 14, 2011 Deep red stratocumulus at sunrise.
January 12, 2011 Lots of snow. 
January 11, 2011 Another snow storm is due tomorrow, as this morning's ring around the sun suggests. 
At times, some brighter sun dogs were also visible. 
January 6, 2011 With the winter sun so low, crepuscular rays are more common outside their usual proximity to sunrise and sunset. 
January 5, 2011 Lots more for a mouse to do now that the snow has receded somewhat. See more pictures at our Mouse of the Month page. 
December 30, 2010 After three weeks of consistently cold weather, daytime highs are finally poking above freezing — ideal for icicles. 
December 27, 2010 Now the snow is deep. 
December 22, 2010 The snow is not deep — but it has a lot of staying power in the consistently cold air. 
Winter began at 6:39 PM on December 21, 2010
December 16, 2010 Lakes are beginning to freeze over. 
December 14, 2010 Some new snow to replace what was washed away last weekend. 
December 10, 2010 At 7 degrees above Fahrenheit, frost swells on weed stems in a roadside field. 
December 9, 2010 The plumes coming from the Lake Ontario continue to bring a sprinkling of snow.
December 7, 2010 Although Lake Ontario seems far off, the winds are just right and we've had two days of lake-enhanced clouds and snow.
November 29, 2010 A frosty morning. These crystals were on my windshield.
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