September 16, 2011 Color -- gone wild along the side of the road. 
September 14, 2011 Ths color of the waning post-Harvest Moon warns of the cold front that will bring our first autumnal air mass. 
September 9, 2011 Things, some quite large, float down a very swollen Housatonic River. 
September 6, 2011 More moisture this week. 
September 2, 2011 Following the torrential rains of a tropical storm, what else would one expect? 
August 24, 2011 A seed's "parachute" is covered in morning dew. 
August 22, 2011 Veraison. 
August 19, 2011 Morning sunshine on this hydrangea bloom after last night's thunderstorms. 
August 5, 2011 Morning fog extended the duration of some night blooms today. 
July 27, 2011 Yesterday's thin bands of thundershowers were ideal for catching a rainbow. 
July 26, 2011 A sturdy flower for the heat of the summer. 
July 1, 2011 The light of sunrise deepens the colors on a beautiful day for flying. 
July 1, 2011 This bloom keeps to the shade. 
June 22, 2011 Despite the gray and moist weather, perennials like this poppy announce the beginning of summer. 
June 16, 2011 A rather small red newt. 
June 9, 2011 Still moist from last night's thunderstorms and about to bloom. 
June 6, 2011 Pure and crisp. 
June 3, 2011 From behind, this Silvery Checkerspot is all antennae. 
June 1, 2011 A Red-spotted Purple. 
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