June 16, 2011 A rather small red newt. 
June 9, 2011 Still moist from last night's thunderstorms and about to bloom. 
June 6, 2011 Pure and crisp. 
June 3, 2011 From behind, this Silvery Checkerspot is all antennae. 
June 1, 2011 A Red-spotted Purple. 
May 31, 2011 Butterflies, like this female Black Swallowtail, are abundant. 
May 23, 2011 This bee takes a break from the abundance of flowers. 
May 20, 2011 Every day it rains, and everything keeps growing. 
May 11, 2011 More and more blooms. 
May 6, 2011 An attractive place to visit. 
May 2, 2011 Daffodils are in peak bloom. See more. 
April 26, 2011 A moist start to a beautiful, warm day. 
April 25, 2011 Seemingly daily showers are delivering more colorful blooms. 
April 21, 2011 All ears. 
April 18, 2011 In a daffodil-yellow sea. 
April 15, 2011 At last, flowers are becoming more common. 
April 8, 2011 This early in Spring, color is still the exception. 
April 4, 2011 As the old snow recedes on a mild wet morning, Spring comes to life. 
April 3, 2011 Snowdrops instead of snow. When Galanthus (milk-flower) blooms, insects are not far behind. 
April 1, 2011 A Spring snow. A cool northeast wind marks that side of the trees. 
March 30, 2011 Thin ice! As the old ice recedes, a warm sun and cold nights do battle at the edge of the lake. 
March 24, 2011 It's becoming a fight, with new snow as the cold holds on. 
March 21, 2011 The vernal equinox at 7:21 last night marked the beginning of Spring. We woke today to light snow on a south wind. 
March 19, 2011 The perigee full moon dominates the landsape as it rises. 
Differential atmospheric refraction squeezes the vertical dimension slightly as the moon rises above a distant tree. 
March 15, 2011 We may be moving into the final days of winter but it's still cold, as this morning's frost demonstrates. 
March 11, 2011 Streams and rivers were "alive" this morning after last night's storm. 
March 9, 2011 High and middle level coulds announce the approach of the next storm. 
March 7, 2011 Rivers and streams are swollen after yesterday's rainstorm. 
March 3, 2011 More cold means that ice continues to flow down the Housatonic River. 
March 1, 2011 In a winter of "big weather" what seems the rarest of all is a simple sunny day. 
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