September 18, 2009 Autumn doesn't arrive until Tuesday (at 5:19 PM), but already you can find the occasional fallen leaf that says it's on the way. 
September 14, 2009 Clear weather ahead, but after several days of copius rain one can't help but notice more amphibians like this common toad. 
September 11, 2009 The seemingly endless moisture is good for some. 
September 1, 2009 A dragonfly surveys the meadow. 
August 25, 2009 It's all about light as far as when you'll find this flower in bloom. 
August 21, 2009 Another wetland bloom from "the boardwalk" in Litchfield. 
August 17, 2009 An orb that's exclusively in wetland areas. 
August 14, 2009 Knapweed from a wetland area. 
August 11, 2009 A hawk about to take flight. 
August 6, 2009 A bee amidst the pollen at a chicory (Cichorium intybus) bloom. 
August 4, 2009 Thick summer air tonight with a deep orange moon, just one night before the full moon. 
On the following night, the full moon passed through the earth's outer shadow, a penumbral eclipse. See if you can detect the shadow on our Skies page.
July 30, 2009 Haresfoot clover (Trifolium arvense, a Euoropean transplant) holds the droplets of the most recent shower. 
July 28, 2009 Dew, looking like strings of pearls, on two different kinds of web. First an open weave. 
Then a very tight weave. 
July 26, 2009 Everything's moist from the succession of passing thundershowers. 
July 15, 2009 A bee gets to work at a black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta). 
July 13, 2009 The modest 1/2-inch roadside bloom of a fameflower (Talinum teretifolium) is easily missed. 
July 6, 2009 A mourning cloak butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) in a deeply wooded area. 
July 2, 2009 The (fleeting) sun brings a rainbow to this long-legged fly. 
June 27, 2009 Perched for a second on window glass, this White-striped Black (Trichodezia albovittata) — a day-flying moth — seems suspended in mid-air. 
June 24, 2009 Summer begins with yet another period of rainy days this week. 
June 19, 2009 We're only on the eve of Summer (it begins Sunday morning at 1:46 am) but already many Spring blooms have gone to seed like this Meadow Salsify (Tragopogon pratensis). 
June 17, 2009 This morning's ring around the sun forshadows yet another period of rain this week. 
June 12, 2009 Lychnis flos-cuculi, commonly called Ragged Robin, is a naturalized European import. 
June 10, 2009 Hieracium aurantiacum or orange hawkweed is also known by the more dramatic common name "Devil's Paintbrush." 
June 5, 2009 Iris blooms — a favorite of late spring. 
June 2, 2009 A common ringlet — though not particularly abundant in Litchfield — is readily spotted this time of year. 
Continue reading from the Spring in Litchfield archive >