December 20, 2016 A last leaf lands on the snow cover as Autumn comes to an end.
December 14, 2016 The December full moon -- in and out of clouds -- within minutes of precise fullness.
December 12, 2016 A transition to rain limited the ground cover from this weekend's snow.
December 9, 2016 Lake-effect snow this morning -- moisture all the way from Late Ontario.
December 8, 2016 See more on our Mouse of the Month page.
December 8, 2016 Remnants from last night's thick fog.
December 4, 2016 Still a bit of color poking through after another light snowfall.
November 22, 2016 Sunshine, after two days of snow and wind and cold.
November 19, 2016 Buttery and carmel come to mind.
November 17, 2016 Even brownish leaves can look good in the warm light of sunrise.
p>November 16, 2016 Some isolated yellow leaves, but most of them have fallen.
November 13, 2016 The perigee moon about 14 hours before precise fullness.
November 10, 2016 Some milder air brought high clouds and a lovely sunset.
November 6, 2016 Very late afternoon light.
November 3, 2016 The northwest hills showing late-season color in the morning light. 
November 1, 2016 With temperatures in the mid-20's, today's frost was widespread. 
Octover 31, 2016 Happy Halloween!

p>Octover 28, 2016 A hole in the clouds just before sunrise allowed a glimpse of the moon right next to Jupiter.
Octover 27, 2016 The first dust-like flakes of the first snow of the season. 
Octover 26, 2016 Even with some leaves down, there's brilliant color at sunrise. 
Octover 25, 2016 The hillsides show how many leaves were lost in the weekend storm. 
Octover 23, 2016 Cooler but brighter weather. 
Octover 21, 2016 A spell of unusually warm weather ended with some summer-like clouds as a storm approached. 
Octover 20, 2016 A bright morning, but rain is expected. 
Octover 19, 2016 Brilliant color is widespread. 
Octover 18, 2016 During this unusually warm spell, where there's a river, there's morning fog -- in this case the East Aspetuck. 
Octover 18, 2016 Even the places where color is spotty can be quite nice. 
Octover 17, 2016 There's a stained glass quality to light passing through some leaves. 
Octover 16, 2016 The hunter's moon. 
Octover 14, 2016 Beautiful color from red maples this year. 
Octover 13, 2016 Time for a rest. 
Octover 12, 2016 Morning color. 
Octover 11, 2016 The first fall frost -- but not enough to end the growing season. 
Octover 10, 2016 A roadside tree that stands out. 
Octover 9, 2016 A brief flash of sun just before sunset. 
Octover 2, 2016 Some early traces of Fall color. 
Octover 2, 2016 Crush. 
September 22, 2016 -- Fall arrived with the autumn equinox at 10:21 AM.
September 21, 2016 Summer ends and Autumn begins with warm air and pretty sunsets. 
September 19, 2016 A lot going on in the sky.

September 17, 2016 An eagle (at fairly high altitude). 
September 16, 2016 The harvest moon. 
September 12, 2016 A spring peeper. 
p>August 15, 2016 The warm moist weather has been good for mushrooms.
August 11, 2016 The alternate show, as we won't be seeing Perseid meteors tonight. 
Continue reading from the Summer in Litchfield archive >