March 17, 2012 A turkey vulture soars in the mild breeze. 
March 12, 2012 Jupiter and Venus at their closest. 
March 5, 2012 The glow of sunrise on last night's dusty snow. 
March 4, 2012 The cold intensifies a bit, freezing some of what melted yesterday. 
March 3, 2012 Rain on snow equals fog. 
March 2, 2012 Snow in the wetlands. 
March 1, 2012 In like a lion. The snow and ice storm weakens the defenses of this thorny bush. 
February 24, 2012 After 50 degree days, we were greeted by snow this morning. 
February 23, 2012 A long warm spell that seems to go beyond a winter thaw, with ice-free ponds and the first insects and flowers of the season. 
February 1, 2012 Bare trees make it a lot easier to spot hunting raptors. 
January 27, 2012 Clouds slide among our northwestern hills. 
January 20, 2012 Ice. A crust on at the shore of the Housatonic river that's subject to rising and falling levels. And taking solid hold on a pond surface. 
January 18, 2012 Looking that much darker from the snow that they hold. 
January 17, 2012 Despite the recent cold temperatures, it took another couple of inches of snow to make it look like winter. 
January 12, 2012 It's the first accumulating snow since October. 
January 10, 2012 Clouds from an upper level disturbance gave color to today's sunrise. 
January 2, 2012 A burst of cold air is ushered in by snow showers. 
December 29, 2011 After a warm December that brought rain storms rather than snow storms, ice has only now begun to advance outward from the pond shore. 
December 23, 2011 The International Space Station shines above the illuminated tree in Bethlehem CT. A rather different moving machine is adorned with lights at roadside. 
December 22, 2011 -- The solstice came at 12:30 AM today.
Winter began with a thunderstorm last night. Here the low morning sun reflects off of the ufrozen lake. Even small, still lakes have only a crust of ice remaining from last weekend's cold. 
December 17, 2011 A fairly tranquil sunrise was an opportunity to get aloft. 
December 13, 2011 Lots of frost after a night of chilly moonlight. 
December 8, 2011 Sunshine following the big nor'easter, which brought more rain than snow. 
December 2, 2011 With just 20 days until the winter solstice, we have only the fading impressions of autumn leaves on the sidewalk. 
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